– Anne Socquet, Audrey Chouli, Blandine Gardonio, Jorge Jara, Sophie Giffard Roisin, David Marsan, and Michel Bouchon, Interactions between deep seismicity and shallow deformation in the Japan trench and Chile subduction zones, EGU24-16945, EGU Vienna, 2024.
– Identifying uncataloged low-frequency earthquake sources with deep learning
Jannes Münchmeyer, Sophie Giffard-Roisin, Marielle Malfante, William Frank, Piero Poli, David Marsan, and Anne Socquet, EGU24-10195, EGU Vienna, 2024.
– Baptiste Rousset, Asaf Inbal, Roland Bürgmann, Naoki Uchida, Anne Socquet, Lou Marill, Takanori Matsuzawa, and Takeshi Kimura. Boso seismicity swarm propagation driven by slow slip stress change, EGU24-4561, EGU Vienna, 2024.
– Nicolás Hernádez-Soto, , Matthew Miller, Marcos Moreno, Dietrich Lange, Anne Socquet, Christian Sippl, and Diego González-Vidal. From regional to local structures imaged by seismic tomography at the Atacama seismic gap, Central-Northern Chile (24.5-29°S). EGU24-20700, , EGU Vienna, 2024.
– Audrey Chouli, Lucile Costes, David Marsan, Jannes Münchmeyer, Sophie Giffard-Roisin, and Anne Socquet. Search for repeaters in the central part of the Chilean subduction zone, EGU24-17042, EGU Vienna, 2024.
– Bertrand Lovery, , Anne Socquet, Mohamed Chlieh, Marie-Pierre Doin, Mathilde Radiguet, Juan Carlos Villegas-Lanza, Juliette Cresseaux, and Philippe Durand, Crustal Deformation Associated with the Seismic Cycle in the Central Andes from InSAR and GNSS Geodetic Time Series, .EGU24-8472, EGU Vienna, 2024
– Diego Molina, , Jannes Münchmeyer, Mathilde Radiguet, Anne Socquet, and Marie-Pierre Doin,
Structural control on aseismic and seismic slip interactions during the 2020 SSE in the Atacama region, Chile. EGU24-20233, EGU Vienna, 2024
– Giuseppe Costantino, Sophie Giffard-Roisin, Mauro Dalla Mura, Mathilde Radiguet, David Marsan and Anne Socquet, Automated Extraction of Slow Slip Events in Cascadia by Spatiotemporal Deep Learning on Raw GNSS Data Brings New Constraints on Scaling Laws, AGU2023.
– Yuji Itoh, Anne Socquet and Mathilde Radiguet, Exponential moment release at the initiation of short-term slow slip events, AGU2023
– Diego Molina, Anne Socquet, Mathilde Radiguet and Marie-Pierre Doin Characterizing the aseismic and seismic slip during the 2020 SSE in the Tal-Tal area, Chile., AGU2023.
– Jannes Münchmeyer, Sophie Giffard-Roisin, Marielle Malfante, David Marsan and Anne Socquet, Detecting low-frequency earthquakes with deep learning, AGU 2023
– Juliette Cresseaux, Mathilde Radiguet, Marie-Pierre Doin, Marcos Moreno and Anne Socquet, Role of the Andean Structure in the Modeling of the Post-Seismic Deformation of the 2014 Mw 8.1 Iquique Earthquake in Chile, AGU 2023.
– Anne Socquet, Bertrand Lovery, Mohamed Chlieh et al. , Deformation of the central Andes constrained by GNSS and InSAR : strain buildup and release on the subduction, post-seismic relaxation and upper plate deformation, AGU2023.
– Juliette Cresseaux, Mathilde Radiguet, Marcos Moreno, Anne Socquet, Possible Large-Scale Interactions between Great Earthquakes Explored with Finite Element Models, AGU 2023
– Audrey Chouli, David Marsan, Sophie Giffard-Roisin, Anne Socquet, Interactions Between Intraslab Intermediate-Depth and Shallow Earthquakes in the Japan Trench and the Northern Chile Subduction Zone, AGU2023
– A. Socquet, Interseismic loading and megathrust rupture potential in North Chile - South Peru, UNESCO-IOC Meeting of Experts on tsunami sources and hazard in southern Peru and northern Chile, 22-25 August 2023 -Arica, Chile.
– Anne Socquet, Lou Marill, David Marsan, Mathilde Radiguet, Baptiste Rousset, Yuji Itoh Exploring aseismic slip beyond typical sizes and durations, and their potential link to earthquakes, International Joint Workshop on Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes 2023.
– G. Costantino, S. Giffard-Roisin, M. Dalla Mura, D. Marsan, M. Radiguet, A. Socquet, Detection and characterization of slow deformation from gnss data with deep learning, Paper ID: 3995, IEEE IGARSS 2023.
– Audrey Chouli, David Marsan, Sophie Giffard-Roisin, Anne Socquet. Analysis of the potential interactions between intraslab intermediate-depth and shallow earthquakes in the Japan and the Chile trench subduction zones, SCG46-P01, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023, Chiba, Japan.
– Moutote, L., Itoh, Y., Lengliné, O., Duputel, Z., & Socquet, A. (2023). Evidence of an aseismic slip event continuously driving the 2017 Valparaiso earthquake sequence (No. EGU23-6581). Copernicus Meetings.
– Itoh, Y., Socquet, A., & Radiguet, M. (2023). Largest aftershock nucleation driven by afterslip during the 2014 Iquique sequence (No. EGU23-2745). Copernicus Meetings.
– Münchmeyer, J., Giffard-Roisin, S., Malfante, M., Marsan, D., & Socquet, A. (2023). Detecting low-frequency earthquakes with deep learning (No. EGU23-6369). Copernicus Meetings.
– Costantino, G., Giffard-Roisin, S., Dalla Mura, M., Radiguet, M., Marsan, D., & Socquet, A. (2023). Detection and characterization of slow deformation from GNSS data by deep learning in the Cascadia subduction zone (No. EGU23-16838). Copernicus Meetings.
– Costantino, G., Socquet, A., Giffard-Roisin, S., Dalla Mura, M., Radiguet, M., & Marsan, D. (2022, December). Detection of Small Slow Slip Events from GNSS Data using Deep Learning in the Cascadia Subduction Zone. In Fall Meeting 2022. AGU.
– Cresseaux, J., Socquet, A., Radiguet, M., Doin, M. P., Marsan, D., Marchandon, M., ... & Deschamps-Huygen, G. (2022, December). Role of the Andean structure in the Post-Seismic Deformation Following the 2014 Mw 8.1 Iquique Earthquake in Chile: New insights from a Finite Element Model Constrained by GNSS and InSAR Data. In Fall Meeting 2022. AGU.
– Baez, J. C., Moreno, M., Ortega-Culaciati, F., González, D., Melnick, D., Benavente, R., ... & Bedford, J. R. (2022, December). First results of the ANILLO-PRECURSOR network: Monitoring the Atacama seismic gap with a dense multiparametric network. In Fall Meeting 2022. AGU.
– Itoh, Y., Socquet, A., & Radiguet, M. (2022, December). Early afterslip of the 2014 Iquique earthquake led to the occurrence of the largest aftershock. In Fall Meeting 2022. AGU.
– Audrey Chouli et al., Analysis of the potential correlation between intraslab intermediate-depth and shallow earthquakes in the Japan trench subduction zone prior to the Mw 9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake, EGU22-12565.
– Cresseaux, J., Socquet, A., Radiguet, M., Doin, M. P., Marsan, D., Marchandon, M., ... & Molaro-Maqua, R. (2022). Modelling the post-seismic deformations measured by GNSS and InSAR, following the 2014 Iquique earthquake, Chile (No. EGU22-11401). Copernicus Meetings.
– Costantino, G., Giffard-Roisin, S., Dalla Mura, M., Marsan, D., Radiguet, M., & Socquet, A. (2022). Towards the characterization of Slow Slip deformation by means of deep learning (No. EGU22-12032). Copernicus Meetings.
– Giuseppe Costantino, Anne Socquet, Sophie Giffard-Roisin, Mauro Dalla Mura, David Marsan, and Mathilde Radiguet, Machine Learning Applied to the Characterization of the Seismic Source, AGU fall meeting 2021 New Orleans, S35D-0243.
– J Cresseaux, A Socquet, M Radiguet, D Marsan, M Marchandon (2021), Modelling of the post-seismic phase of the Iquique earthquake constrained by GNSS and InSAR observations, 27e édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre
Updated on 29 March 2024